Use "ammonite|ammonites" in a sentence

1. More than 5000 ammonites have been prepared in Order to establish a detailed biostratigraphy. 68 stratigraphically significant ammonite taxa are described and figured.

2. David merely consigned the Ammonite captives to forced labor.

3. Ammonites insult David’s messengers (1-5)

4. These Ammonite fathers were much the same.

5. Ammonite city of Rabbah captured (26-31)

6. Posts about Ammonite written by Bouquets & Brickbats

7. Jephthah tries to negotiate with the Ammonites.

8. This was his policy with all the Ammonite cities.”

9. Such was the case of the faithful Ammonite fathers.

10. With his thorough grasp of Israel’s history, Jephthah ably refutes Ammonite claims.

11. Sil Argonautid egg cases to Upper Cretaceous ammonites (Fig

12. The Ammonites —A People That Repaid Kindness With Hostility

13. They're called ammonites... and they thrive in the ancient sea.

14. Saul strengthens his position as king by defeating the Ammonites.

15. In the oceans, plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs and ammonites were abundant.

16. Again the Ammonites had repaid Jehovah’s kindness with hostility.

17. The Ammonites and the Moabites were descendants of Abraham’s nephew Lot.

18. Belemnites died out at the same time as ammonites and dinosaurs

19. Roman ruins in Amman, the site of Rabbah, the Ammonites’ capital

20. He sends messengers to their king to discover the reason for Ammonite aggression.

21. So failure to secure food led to the ammonites' extinction, the team suggests.

22. Like all elasmosaurid plesiosaurs, it probably ate small bony fish, belemnites, and ammonites.

23. David did not subject the defeated Ammonites to barbarous torture and gruesome massacres.

24. Among known Cephalopods are the octopus, squid, cuttlefish, nautilus, and extinct ammonites

25. Unlike nautiloids and ammonites, Belemnites had a very solid internal skeleton called a rostrum

26. Holes have been found in fossil shells of some ammonites, mainly Pachydiscus and Placenticeras.

27. Ammonite genera became extinct at or near the K–Pg boundary; however, there was a smaller and slower extinction of ammonite genera prior to the boundary that was associated with a late Cretaceous marine regression.

28. Malcam is possibly another name for Molech, the chief god of the Ammonites.

29. The Ammonites pitch camp in Gilead, and the Israelites gather to meet them.

30. He Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.

31. This is a contest between false religion, championed by the Ammonites, and true worship.

32. The Amorites (not to be confused with the Ammonites) lived primarily east of the Jordan River

33. In South China this mixed fauna is associated withOtoceras woodwardi, the index ammonite of the Lowermost Triassic.

34. " What's happened? " said the vicar, putting the ammonite on the loose sheets of his forth- coming sermon.

35. Though not as colorful as its relative, Ammonites, Belemnites are one of the most interesting fossils

36. Ammonites have been found that allow recognition in the same section both Fallauxi and Ponti Zones.

37. Often associated with ammonites, Belemnites were similar to squids and the only had part to their

38. An Ammonite warrior who joined David’s “mighty men of the military forces.” —1Ch 11:26, 39; 2Sa 23:37.

39. 1:5, 6) Still, Solomon likely came to have Ammonite in-laws and relatives who did not serve Jehovah.

40. The spiritual protections built around the Ammonite fathers blessed and strengthened themselves, their families, their country, and future generations.

41. Judah and Jerusalem were filled with Baal worshipers and those making sworn oaths by the principal Ammonite god, Malcam.

42. Because Jotham followed Jehovah’s law, he prospered, gaining the victory over the Ammonites. —26:1–27:9.

43. Learning of the siege, Saul proved his merit as king, marshaling the Israelite forces and routing the Ammonites.

44. The lesson of the Ammonites therefore is that Jehovah does not take lightly repaying his kindness with hostility.

45. Blowpipe as it currently exists, with addy darts, is ~13% better than rapier on ammonites and ~24% better at Jad

46. Well, they were on the frontier, exposed to attack from Ammonites in the southeast and Syrians in the north.

47. The pleurotomariid and Architectonicid gastropods were epifaunal, the dentaliid shallowly infaunal, and the two ammonites were highly active, nektonic predators

48. 10:27) King Saul accepted the guidance of God’s spirit by leading Israel in a successful battle against the Ammonites.

49. Representatives of the Boneti Sub-Zone appear in bed 16, which probably correlates with the base of the ammonite Upper Tithonian Microcanthum Zone.

50. The egg case secreted by the Cenozoic Argonautids was shaped like Cretaceous ammonites, which their ancestors used to occupy and emend

51. Amorite strongholds Amorite King Sihon, sometime before 1406 B.C., waged war against the Moabites and Ammonites for control of their lands

52. Her husband, Uriah, a soldier, was away fighting the Ammonites with the rest of the army, where David, their king, should have been.

53. When Judges refers to Ammonite territory between Arnon and Jabbok this could refer to an area that was once actually ruled by Ammon and then conquered by Sihon (according to one opinion with Moab Conquering that land in between) or to a land that was really Moabite, with the Ammonite king representing Moabite interests.

54. (1888); Naef (1922) argued that Argonautid octopods later grew an epipelagic shell to replace the ammonite shells when they were no longer available as drifting egg and brood chambers

55. Belemnites are probably the most well known extinct cephalopod after the ammonites. They are quite common fossils and have a worldwide distribution

56. (7) The egg case secreted by the Cenozoic Argonautids was shaped like Cretaceous ammonites , which their ancestors used to occupy and emend

57. The Upper Cretaceous, sexually mature ancestral Argonautid females, which had to carry out the pelagic mode of breeding, occupied empty, floating ammonites

58. Virtually all forms were active predators of fish and ammonites; a few, such as Globidens, had blunt, spherical teeth, specialized for crushing mollusk shells.

59. For example, it is thought that ammonites were the principal food of mosasaurs, a group of giant marine reptiles that became extinct at the boundary.

60. All species have been collected in lowermost Toarcian beds dated to the ammonite Polymorphum Chronozone (=Tenuicostatum Chronozone), which coincides with the belemnite Passaloteuthis bisulcata biozone.

61. The day of the ammonite and the Belemnite also now drew to a close, and only a few of these cephalopods were left to survive the period

62. Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David’s conduct towards the Ammonites.”

63. The account is in the Bible to reveal the relationship of the Moabites (through Moab) and the Ammonites (through Benammi) to Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites.

64. Ammonites in the Cenozoic required the Argonautids to secrete a complete egg case in the shape that their ancestors learned to emend in the Upper Cretaceous

65. (2 Kings 1:1) Jeremiah, a contemporary of Zephaniah, spoke of the Ammonites’ occupying the Israelite territory of Gad in the name of their god Malcam.

66. On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites.

67. The unfaithfulness of Samuel’s sons, coupled with the threat of warfare with the Ammonites, prompted the older men of Israel to request that Samuel appoint a king over them.

68. By this means would the demons, of which Babylon was a superstitious worshiper, make the threefold divination result in such a way as to steer him contrary to Jehovah’s will—against Ammonite Rabbah first?

69. In sharp contrast with the Israelites, the inhabitants of Canaan offered their children as sacrifices to their gods, including the Ammonite god called Molech, also known as Milcom or Moloch.

70. No castrated man or one “having his male member cut off” could enter it; illegitimate sons, male Ammonites, and male Moabites were barred therefrom “even to the tenth generation.”

71. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to ammonites of old, as well as to modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses

72. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to the ammonites of old as well as to the modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses.

73. (1Sa 11:1-4, 11-15) Samuel’s later statement reveals that it was the growing menace of the Ammonites under Nahash that ultimately provoked the Israelites’ request for a king. —1Sa 12:12.

74. Examples of Coprolite in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Alternative options: Other fossils primed for printing include a Priscacara serrata fish, a Stephanoceras juhlei ammonite and a shasta ground sloth’s Coprolite (essentially fossilized feces).

75. When the men of that city sued for peace, Nahash the Ammonite made this outrageous demand: “On this condition I shall conclude it with you, on the condition of boring out every right eye of yours.”

76. (1:3–2:3; 3:1-5) His adverse judgments would be visited not only upon Judah and Jerusalem but also upon other peoples —the Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Ethiopians, and Assyrians. —2:4-15.

77. Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni—His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly and all are wounded, but none are slain—Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners.

78. Likely King Baalis of the Ammonites to whom Ishmael had fled from before the Babylonians felt Ishmael a good one to hire to assassinate Gedaliah, whom King Nebuchadnezzar appointed to be the provincial governor of Judah.

79. Name : Dichotomosphinctes Antecedens Age : Jurassic, Oxfordian stage (164-157 million years) Location (the place the fossil has been found) : Atsimo Andrefana, Madagascar Size of the fossil: 28 cm Weight: 7.5 kg (including the stand) This lot contains a huge ammonite

80. This biozonation utilizes numerous ammonite lineages, inoceramid, ostreid, lucinid, thyasirid, pectinid, plicatulid, Cardiid, and pteriid bivalve lineages, and turritellid and aporrhaid gastropod lineages to create a system of 89 high-confidence level (HCL), 136 medium-confidence level (MCL), and 169 low confidence level (LCL) composite